Golf Accessories for Frequent Fliers

If you are faced with a double whammy of being a constant traveler as well as a golf aficionado, well, you have a problem at hand. And the only solution is to carry a full set of traveling accessories so that you remain in touch with your golf swing.

If you wish to retain your handicap while you travel, you will need some of the following

- Foldable golf clubs suck, but they are still better than having no golf clubs at all. Arrange them logically in a golf bag so that you can find them when you need them. Take a few basic ones along with you, there is no need to take the full set with you.

- You get reinforced traveling golf bags for a slightly higher price tag. But since this is a one-time investment, go ahead and splurge a bit. The metal covered bags will keep your clubs safe while traveling. You know how the airlines and porters handle your luggage!

- As with all your other traveling stuff, name and label each and every thing in your golf bag including the bag itself. If things get misplaced in transit then, this way, you at least have a ghost of chance to get your stuff back.

- As far as possible, use golf shippers like ShipGolf, who will deliver your whole set the very next morning

- Carry backup tees and balls in case you misplace your regular set.

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