Monitoring the weather is something avid golfers do faithfully. Ideal golf weather is about 70 degrees with clear skies and a soft breeze. Sometimes you’ll get this kind of golf weather and enjoy it when you do. But you can golf in other weather as well.
I know one golfer who is so obsessed with the game; he played on Christmas and New Year’s Day. Of course, it was unseasonably warm that winter, but it was still cold enough to keep normal people off the links. Most people won’t go to that extreme, but there are many who do, believe it or not!
What do you need to know about playing golf in certain weather conditions? The answer is more than you know! Different weather conditions should be approached differently when it comes to your golf game.
If you are playing golf in cold weather, you need to remember to take extra time to warm up and stretch. You are more prone to injury in cold weather, so take the time to stretch out. Wear layers of clothing with cold weather golf. You will also want to keep your head and hands covered as those are the two places where we lose our heat the quickest.
In extremely hot weather, your approach to the golf game should also be tended to. Most golf clubs have dress codes that you will have to adhere to and tank tops are usually not on that list. Wear clothing that is made of lightweight, breathable fabric. Make sure you wear plenty of sunscreen and a hat to protect your eyes. Have plenty of water on hand and take time to rest in the shade of a tree.
Under no circumstances should you play golf in weather where it is thundering and lightning. More people are struck by lightning on the golf course than in any other place. It’s alright to play in a light rain – although it probably won’t be much fun – but if you heard the thunder roll or see light in the sky, vacate the course immediately.
While the weather can have an affect on your golf game, you can still play when you want to as long as you take proper precautions.
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